After a heated debate on social media, Cadbury waded in and revealed the definitive answer on where it is best to store chocolate.

In an ideal world, social media would be a place where people voice their opinions and spark up a lively and healthy debate. In reality, it's a platform on which people voice their opinions and get angry when they discover people believe something different from them. Not just when it comes to serious topics such as political and environmental beliefs, but even minor issues such as where to properly store food.

Bruno Bouchet must take the brunt of the blame for this argument having a big old spotlight shone on it. The Australian posted a "definitive list" showing items that belong in the cupboard and items that should be stored in the fridge. As expected, pretty much every item included in the post proved to be a topic of controversy.

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However, the one that seemed to irritate people most was the bar of Cadbury's Dairy Milk Bouchet placed in his virtual cupboard. Chocolate lovers responded by the boatload, exclaiming that the sweet treat belongs in the fridge. That's despite the original Aussie poster including "don't bother commenting, this isn't up for discussion." Short of removing comments from the post, that was never going to happen.

Lucky for Bouchet, and anyone else who has taken his side in this battle, the post gained enough traction to get the attention of Cadbury. Its Australian Instagram account replied to the post revealing that storing chocolate in the cupboard is the right thing to do. "Chocolate should always be stored in a cool, dry, dark place such as a cupboard or pantry," the company wrote in reply to the controversial post.

Despite the company behind what might be the most widely-loved chocolate in the world weighing in with a definitive answer, those who prefer to keep their chocolate in the fridge are having none of it. As we said at the start of this article, it's almost impossible to change someone's mind on social media, even if its Cadbury telling them facts about chocolate. Now, can we please discuss that tub of butter sitting in the cupboard while the peanut butter takes up room in the fridge?

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