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We all have our own little fears, whether irrational or not. It could be spiders, the dark, heights, or flying. It shouldn’t be any surprise to learn that celebrities are just like us. Everyday fears affect us all. In fact, a Harris Poll nationally surveyed 4,000 adults and 1,600 children in the United States. The results revealed that 56% of American adults admitted that they now or once feared monsters, whether under their bed or in the dark voids. They also found that 86% of adults and 91% of children admitted to being irrationally afraid of something. Also, nearly one in five adults said they are scared of more things now than they were as a child.

So, when we talk about celebrity fears, the law of averages say they have just as bad as the rest of us. Now back in the Golden Age of Hollywood, these fears were kept quiet, along with romantic orientation, illegitimate children, and anything else the studio execs believed might cause a “scandal.” Today, we can talk about these things. It’s not really a secret that stars like Jennifer Aniston and Whoopi Goldberg both have a fear of flying. Or, Justin Timberlake gets the chills when he sees a spider. Other celeb phobias are a bit weirder and not as well-known. These include such celebrities as Carmen Electra, who, despite starring as a beach lifeguard in the hit television series Baywatch, actually is scared of water! That’s just the tip of the iceberg. Join us as we explore 25 other celebrities with the weirdest phobias.

Howie Mandel – Germaphobe

This one might not be much of a shock to some people as Howie Mandel is a notorious germaphobe. He’s made it perfectly clear for years that it’s the reason he refuses to shake anyone’s hands, opting instead for the obligatory fist bump. Although not an actual scientific term, it’s colloquially known as germaphobia; however, its real classification is mysophobia, which is the fear of germs, contamination, and dirt. Mandel is not alone in fearing germs as Jerry Seinfeld and maybe most famously, the reclusive billionaire Howard Hughes. In fact, many celebrities now decide it is probably safer for their health to fist bump instead of sharing a hand shake when they greet throngs of fans.

Uma Thurman – Claustrophobic

Uma Thurman is a classic cinematic tough chick. She’s portrayed some of the toughest female characters ever to grace the big screen. Nevertheless, in real life, she’s too has an irrational fear that she can’t shake: claustrophia. It’s the fear of confined spaces. When she was filming a particular scene in her hit film Kill Bill: Vol. 2 (2004), the one where she is buried alive in a coffin, her anxiety went sky-high! "There was no acting required. Real screams available," she once told the press. "It was horrific. Nobody wants to live that experience." Being the tough women she is, though, she faced her fears and tackled the scene with everything she had. Of course, she pretty much had to as, according to her, director Quentin Tarantino didn't want to hear about any claustrophobic anxieties; time is money! She says it was "just another day at the office."

Kendall Jenner – Tiny Patterned Holes

As a model, Kendall Jenner is used to wearing all kinds of different outfits with different types of patterns. One type of pattern, though, tends to freak her out: tiny circular ones. It’s called trypophobia and tons of people suffer from the same phobia. Regarding her anxiety over the subject, Kendall said, “Anyone who knows me knows that I have really bad trypophobia. Trypophobics are afraid of tiny little holes that are in weird patterns. Things that could set me off are pancakes, honeycomb or lotus heads (the worst!). It sounds ridiculous but so many people actually have it! I can't even look at little holes — it gives me the worst anxiety. Who knows what's in there?" It is really creepy when you think about it and, Kendall, we can relate!

Scarlett Johansson - Birds

In 2011, actress Scarlett Johansson came clean about her fear of birds. “Something about wings and beaks and the flapping; I'm terrified of them. That still hasn't gone away ...” On the set of her 2011 movie We Bought a Zoo, filming was anything but easy. The peacocks wandering around the set made Johansson terribly uneasy, “I was terrified of the peacocks on set. Like, 'Ahh, don't get too close.' They're like, mean." The phobia is known as ornithophobia, and Johansson claims that she has an uncle with the same fear. She also admitted she’s scared of cockroaches, but I believe it’s pretty safe to say that’s pretty much universal! Many people fear some insects, but birds are not exactly the most common fear among people.

Christina Ricci – Indoor Plants

Christina Ricci has a fear of just plain indoor houseplants. We are serious; don’t dare bring a fern near her. “They are dirty,” Ricci said. “I’m repulsed by the fact that there's a plant indoors. It just freaks me out." Though this type of fear is rare, it has been classified as botanophobia. Ricci admits that she can’t stand to be in the same room as a houseplant. She believes her fear stems from the fact that these plants are sitting in dirt, which is… dirty. This fear might seem a bit odd but for people afflicted, life can be miserable. Most people can trace their fear from a harrowing brush with a plant, such as poison ivy, getting stung by a bee while admiring some flowers, or pricked by a cactus, etc. Most grow out of it as they age, but some, like Christina, keep their phobia through adulthood.

Kylie Jenner – Butterflies

Looks like Kendall isn’t the only Kardashian clan member with an irrational fear of something. On an episode of her E! Network reality series Life of Kylie, Kylie Jenner disclosed her phobia about butterflies, also known as lepidopterophobia. "I'm terrified — terrified — of butterflies. All butterflies," she declared. Though, she admitted her fear is a little ironic, considering her boyfriend Travis Scott gave her a diamond butterfly necklace for her birthday. Failing to see the beauty in the little flying creatures, she says, “…if you just look at their bodies, they’re not that pretty. It’s literally a bug.” They are insects, true; but, darn cute ones if you ask us, and harmless! Perhaps it's also the fact that butterflies often land on people that intensifies her fear.

Woody Allen – Basically Everything

Director Woody Allen has a reputation for being absolutely neurotic to the core, and pretty much harbors a fear of just about everything: elevators, insects, bright colors, heights, sunshine, children, dogs, deer, small rooms, crowds, cancer (I think we’re all kind of with you on that one…), you name it! Oh, here’s a good one: he also has a phobia known as arachibutyrophobia. Every heard of that one? It’s the fear of peanut butter getting stuck to the roof of your mouth. I mean sure, it’s a pretty weird sensation that you have to struggle to rectify, but being scared of it! Wow. Luckily for Woody, he has been able to successfully use these intense fears and phobias into his work, and is able to poke fun at this side of himself. At least his ego isn't so big that he can't use these fears for his comedy.

Johnny Depp – Clowns

This one is more common than you think. Johnny Depp shares his coulrophobia, the fear of clowns (not just evil monster clowns, all clowns) with other celebrities such as Daniel Radcliffe and Sean “Diddy” Combs. “Something about the painted face, the fake smile,” Depp said during a 1999 interview. ”There always seemed to be a darkness lurking just under the surface, a potential for real evil.” Depp has played some pretty out-there characters in his film, but we don’t think portraying a clown is in his near future, though Depp is combatting his fear. To deal with the phobia, Depp surround himself with clown paraphernalia, such as wigs and red noses. He’s dealing with it but reports say that couldn’t bring himself to allow his ex-wife Amber Heard to watch American Horror Story: Freak Show in their home because of the clown featured that season.

Oprah Winfrey – Chewing Gum

Oprah Winfrey is a powerful woman, one of the most powerful in the world. You want to know how not to get on her bad side? Don’t ever chew gum around her or, if you do, don’t pull it out and stick in under a table in her presence. Winfrey is mortified of chewing gum. This is a real phobia and it’s called chiclephobia. As Oprah explains it, she developed this fear as a child in Mississippi watching her grandmother stick old chewing gum in rows inside a kitchen cabinet at her home. “There were rows of Juicy Fruit and Spearmint. I was afraid of it,” she says. It absolutely grossed her out and ruined gum for her from that point on. She detests it so much that she has forbidden chewing gum from being brought into Harpo Studios where she films her show. She has even thrown out a dinner plate she found where a house guest left a chewed piece of gum.

Tyra Banks – Dolphins

Dolphins are some of the most amazing animals on the planet. They’re smart, strong, and beautiful. Don’t try to tell that to Tyra Banks! She suffers from delfiniphobia, the fear of dolphins. Tyra says she’s been mortified of the graceful sea mammals since she was about eight years-old. ” I have dreams that I am in a pool and there are dolphins bumping me and I’m frightened,” she said. "You think a dolphin is sweet and friendly — to me, they're not," Banks once said on her talk show. "I feel anxiety and I feel panic whenever I'm confronting or even thinking about or talking about a dolphin. It's happening right now." If you’re planning on trying to woo Tyra, don’t think of inviting her to go dolphin-watching. Things could end badly for you.

DJ Khaled – Flying

Some people don’t think twice about getting on a machine, built by the lowest bidder, and jetting off thousands of feet into the air. Statistically, they say, it’s safer than driving. Don’t tell that to hip-hop mogul DJ Khaled. He hates flying and is absolutely frightened of it. Many can relate. After a particularly rough patch of storm turbulence, many refuse to set foot on planes for years. Some manage to get over it and DJ Khaled is trying his best to do so too. After years of avoiding travel by plane, he’s now forcing himself to confront his fear and take those flights. “I haven't flown in 10 years. In 10 years!" Khaled said in a recent Instagram post. He credits his infant son Asahd, saying, "That's the only thing I had was fear of flying. Asahd made me overcome my fear of flying."

Megan Fox – Dry Paper

Little did we know that just reading scripts and turning the pages, was a struggle for actress Megan Fox. She suffers from a type papyrophobia, fear of paper, specifically dry paper. She once discussed her phobia with Jimmy Fallon: “I just can’t stand it. Scripts, newspaper or anything that’s not laminated, I can’t touch it with my hands!” If she has to read a script, she admits to having a cup of water nearby to wet her fingers before turning a page. Fox doesn’t really believe she suffers from a phobia. She says, “It's more like people who get the chills when they hear fingernails on a chalkboard.” Fox has also admitted a fear of flying. Know how she gets through it when she has to travel by plane? She listens to Britney Spears music for the entire ride!

Billy Bob Thornton – Antique Furniture

Did you know that more than 250,000 people in the United States alone suffer from the fear of antique furniture? Wow! You can count actor Billy Bob Thornton among their ranks. “Maybe it's a past life thing and I got [harmed] with an old chair," Thornton once said. "But I'm totally serious. I can't eat around antiques." He says eating around old furniture makes him gag. They say one time Billy Bob even refused to stay in a hotel room because it contained vintage furniture from the 1950s. “I get creeped out and I can't breathe and I can't eat around it," Thornton once told Sky News.” For reasons unknown, he especially gets weirded out around French antique furniture. Some of the other fears harbored by Billy Bob include a fear of bold colors, silver, Komodo dragons (okay, that’s rational), and cayenne pepper.

Katie Holmes – Raccoons

Katie Holmes is afraid of raccoons. Some people don’t want to catch rabies, which raccoons have been known to carry; others just don’t want to get bitten period, which raccoons are also known to do when frightened. Regardless of where Katie’s fear stems from, the fear of raccoons, in general, is known as rakounphobia. In a 2011 interview on The Tonight Show, Katie publicized a moment when she had to confront her fear. “I was recently sitting outside and this raccoon comes right up, like right there, and I'm expecting it to be more afraid of me and I'm staring at it and it's staring right back like he's gonna kick my butt," she revealed. "I didn't know what to do so I just stood up and barked at it and he just ran away." A close encounter to be sure, but I believe as long as you don’t corner it, most raccoons would rather just leave you be than attack.

Matthew McConaughey – Revolving Doors

One of the weirder phobias suffered by some is the fear of revolving doors, or more specifically getting trapped in a revolving door. This fear is called cleithrophobia and actor/laid-back dude Matthew McConaughey suffers from this particular fear. The Oscar-winner once let it be known that he gets uncomfortable and nervous whenever confronted with the prospect of having to walk through a revolving door, avoiding them altogether whenever possible. He can’t even stand next to one without getting nervous. “I get anxious just being near them," he says. "I don't like revolving doors.” It’s just that simple. Similar to claustrophobia, cleithrophobia sufferers are more worried about being trapped in that confined space. Also, a claustrophic panic attack an occur at any time, while cleithrophobics are only triggered by an actual impending chance to be trapped, which is why McConaughey gets nervous the closer he gets to revolving doors.

Rita Ora – Toilets

You ever hear about those crazy times when someone finds a rat or a snake that has slithered up the drain pipe into their toilet bowl? It doesn’t happen very often; in fact, the stack pipes that zig-zag their way through your home from the sewer makes the odds extremely high against this actually occurring. Nonetheless, some people are pretty sure it could happen to them and maintain an irrational fear of it. Singer/occasional-actress Rita Ora is one of those people. This type of toilet anxiety, or toilet phobia, is just one of the many types of anxieties that have been bundled up into the fear known as coprophobia. "I always feel that when I go to the toilet that something's going to come out of the bottom," the singer says. "I have this thing where I think this tunnel must start from somewhere and sometimes I think, 'What if something comes out of the toilet?' That's been one of my fears. I always make sure I put the light on when I go."

Sarah Michelle Gellar – Graveyards

This one is a bit ironic, if you think about it. An actress, Sarah Michelle Gellar, most famous for portraying a vampire slayer, actually, in real life, suffers from an irrational fear of graveyards. It’s called coimetrophobia, and apparently it’s not as unlikely as one would think. Gellar has this fear of cemeteries, as well as a fear of being buried alive. While filming her television series Buffy the Vampire Slayer, she once said in a Rolling Stone interview that she would break down crying after shooting a scene in a real graveyard. It apparently troubled her so much that eventually she just refused to film in them and they had to mock up fake graveyards for the remainder of the series.

Alfred Hitchcock – Eggs

The famed director was the master of suspense and quite the eccentric. In fact, he was so eccentric that even his phobia had to be pretty unique: the fear of eggs. That’s right, Alfred Hitchcock suffered from ovophobia. It certainly is a rare phobia that many people have not even considered, let alone suffer from themselves. “I'm frightened of eggs," he once told an interviewer. "That white round thing without any holes... have you ever seen anything more revolting than an egg yolk breaking and spilling its yellow liquid?" We guess it is par for the course that Hitchcock would prefer the sight of creepy things to the sight of oozing egg yolk. We are surprised he never put that scene in one of his films, or did he? Someone will have to check on that one.

Kyra Sedgwick – Talking Food

Once, on The Tonight Show, actor Kevin Bacon revealed his wife Kyra Sedgwick's  irrational fear of talking food. She’s extremely afraid of anthropomorphic food items talking! She will get up and leave the room if she sees any talking food on television, such as those California Raisins or M&Ms. Bacon even let it be known that he had to refuse a well-paying gig in one of those M&M commercials because he knew Sedgwick would blow her top when she found out. He was even worried she would react so badly that she would leave him for appearing to talk and interact with a pair of animated talking chocolate candies. Does anyone even have to mention that she married a man named “Bacon?”

Pamela Anderson – Mirrors

This one is perplexing. Former model and actress Pamela Anderson is apparently afraid of mirrors. You would think someone who spent so much time ensuring she looked good for the public would have to gaze upon themselves occasionally, possibly during her morning make-up routine? However, according to Anderson, she fears mirrors. This phobia is known as eisotrophobia and, some experts believe, it is centered on the superstitious belief that the mirror reflects the soul. We don’t know if Anderson subconsciously believes that or if she’s afraid deep down that the mirror will somehow trap her soul, or what have you, but a model being afraid of mirrors is like Spider-Man getting creeped out by spiders!

Orlando Bloom – Pigs

This one must have been the source of many a laugh on the set of the 2005 film Kingdom of Heaven. Film star Orlando Bloom suffers from the fear of pigs, or swinophobia. On the set of the aforementioned film, one such piglet got loose and ran amok. Reportedly Bloom became frightened and made haste for safer spaces! Bloom is just one of the many celebrities who have confessed a deep-rooted fear of certain animals. Kristen Stewart is afraid of horses, Country star Lyle Lovett is afraid of cows, Jake Gyllenhaal is scared of ostriches, and Eminem is creeped out by owls. Oh, here is the weirdest one. Walt Disney, the creator of the beloved Mickey Mouse character, is actually deathly afraid of… mice. Ironic, don’t you think?

Adele – Seagulls

Songstress Adele is afraid of seagulls. They are beautiful creatures but quite bold when encountering beachgoers holding food. Many people have had seagulls take flying swoops down at them in an attempt to relieve them of their food. Such a thing also occurred to Adele as a 9-year-old-child. Apparently a seagull swiped her ice cream cone when she was a child. This terrified and traumatized her to the extent that has since developed a severe case of seagull-phobia (not sure if there’s a clinical term for that…). "I was walking down the promenade in Tenby eating [an ice cream], when this huge seagull came down and swiped it off me... I thought it was going to take me away with it." An over-zealous seagull can be quite the experience; we can sympathize.

Khloe Kardashian – Belly Buttons

The reality star has publicly admitted her aversion to belly buttons; it’s her biggest fear. "I hate belly buttons," she says. "You can't touch mine and I don't want to touch yours.” This phobia must become quite the nuisance when bathing, but Khloe Kardashian has learned to cope, claiming, “When I'm in the shower, I wear hand mitts and I scream every time I wash my belly button." Well, at least she’s dealing with it! Now that’s she is pregnant with her first child, it presents a whole new level of worry to her. “I have such a phobia with belly buttons, and I know when you’re really pregnant your innie becomes an outie,” Kardashian said. “Oh my god, I can’t even think about that — I’m so grossed out by that. Ew.” We hope she found a way to cope.

Madonna – Thunderstorms

The Queen of Pop is undoubtedly a force to be reckoned with, but even she apparently has to bow to the forces of nature. It appears a good thunderstorm is all it takes to terrify Madonna. The fear of thunder and lightning is called brontophobia. They worry her so much that she has a rider in her concert contracts requesting regular weather updates in the days leading up to a show. This has been confirmed back in July 2012, when Madonna was appearing in Dublin, at the Aviva Stadium, on a stop on her MDNA Tour. She was worried about a possible thunderstorm. She was reassured that the forecast for her concert was good with dry and calm weather. Her staff was actually worried that an errant crack of thunder or lightning would cause her to panic and flee the stage. As a perfectionist, this would’ve been devastating for Madonna. Luckily the show went off without a hitch.

Nicole Kidman – Butterflies

Kylie is not alone with her fear of butterflies as Nicole Kidman is scared of them too! This fellow lepidopterophobic has suffered from this fear since childhood. “Sometimes when I would come home from school the biggest butterfly or moth you’d ever seen would be just sitting on our front gate. I would climb over the fence; crawl around to the side of the house – anything to avoid having to go through the front gate. I have tried to get over it... I walked into the big butterfly cage at the American Museum Of Natural History and had the butterflies on me, but that didn’t work. I jump out of planes, I could be covered in cockroaches, I do all sorts of things, but I just don’t like the feel of butterflies’ bodies,” she said. She admits that she has no problem with spiders or snakes, but just can’t shake her fear of butterflies.

Sources: glamourmagazine.co.uk, people.com, her.ie, buzzfeed.com