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We may not like it and we may not even understand it, but we live in a celebrity-worshiping culture. We often look to what celebrities do to make sense of our own situations. Hell, sometimes, we even seek them out for their opinions on matters much bigger than them, for no reason whatsoever. Dave Chappelle made fun of this years ago when he talked about BET reaching out to Ja Rule after the attacks on September 11, 2001. Is Ja Rule really an expert on this topic? Well, for whatever reason, Candace Cameron Bure, DJ Tanner from Full House, has become a parenting guru. Perhaps this is because she raised a few kids without them falling down a well, and people now want to follow what she did. It turns out, however, that Cameron Bure has some pretty controversial parenting methods.

Now, before we get into these methods, let's address the soon-to-be elephant in the room. At first glance, this list may appear like mom-shaming. In many ways, it is. Sorry about that. But to be quite honest, we don’t care what Cameron Bure does in her own home. Still, it is interesting to look at (and sometimes point and laugh at) how others raise their kids. Raising children is one of the most common jobs in the world. That means, many, many people have an opinion on how to do it right. No one really knows what the hell they're doing, so what's the harm at pointing out some weird Cameron Bure parenting tips? She's rich. Her kids look like amazing people. She'll be alright. Lighten up. Now let's look at all the ways Cameron Bure might be ruining her kids. Here are 19 Questionable Parenting Rules Full House’s Candice Cameron Believes Kids Should Follow.


Despite all the quality advice from Cameron Bure, she seems to overlook the fact that she plays favorites with her kids, all under the guise of "maturity." When discussing what she allows her kids to use in the home, in terms of technology and social media, the mother said, "In our family, the kids can get a cell phone–not a smartphone–at 13 and can sign up for social media profiles on sites like Facebook and Instagram. Our son, Lev, did get an account a few months before turning 13, which I allowed because his maturity level was different than our daughter Natasha's at the time." Sounds like Lev is the golden child in their family.

Shepherding A Child’s Heart

Shepherding a Child’s Heart by Tedd Tripp is another book that Candace Cameron Bure swears by. In this book, Tripp talks about the rod of correction which, in his mind, is a spanking rod. Though he suggests that parents spank their kids with love and not anger, he suggests that they spank quite often.

This all comes from biblical passages such as "He who spares the rod hates his son." Yet, while Tripp and many others believe that the rod is a beating stick, we aren’t so sure if that is true. The rod was most likely a shepherding stick. Shepherds didn’t use these sticks to hit their sheep. They used them to guide them, channeling them to and through the proper path.

Workout Machines

The way that Cameron Bure talks about working out with her kids makes us think that they are at boot camp all day every day. Truthfully, it isn't that bad, but this woman is always on about her kids staying fit. While she denies that it has anything to do with weight or image, it's hard to erase those thoughts when she has small children jogging everyday.

Here's her exact words on fitness: "We expect them to be physically active either by participating in sports or by jogging or working out. We've encouraged our kids to be active in competitive sports or have them exercise 3-4 days a week if they aren't. My kids have been jogging since they were all five years old. Nothing major, but anywhere from 15-40 minutes. And they do basic fitness steps like push-ups, lunges, dips, and jumping jacks."

To Train Up A Child

A lot has been written about the book To Train Up a Child by Michael & Debi Pearl. This is the last of three books that Cameron Bure says she uses to raise her kids. This is also a book that features teachings which were said to result in the deaths of multiple children.

Here are just some of the suggestions in the book as summed up on Examiner.com: use a plastic tube to beat children because it is “too light to cause damage to the muscle or the bone,” parents should wear tubing around their neck to remind kids to obey, hose off kids after a potty training accident, “swat” babies with “a 12-inch willowy branch,” punish kids until they are "without breath to complain," hit babies if they crawl off the blanket during training, withhold meals as punishment, give cold water baths as punishment, and put kids in cold weather as punishment.

Being A Tough Parent

Knowing what books Cameron Bure follows lets us see the reasoning behind her methods a bit, but it still can be a bit questionable to hear the words come out of her mouth. Here are some things that she has said about hitting her children. She describes the difference between spankings at various ages. "When they were young," Cameron Bure said, "we would give them a spank on the bottom with instruction in love and prayer."

For her older daughter, however, Cameron Bure was forced to humiliate the child to get her message across, saying, "Recently, we couldn't seem to find anything that was effective for Natasha, so I did what any mother of a 15-year-old girl would do. I took away all her clothes, shoes, and accessories and left her with one pair of tennis shoes, one pair of jeans, one pair of workout shorts, two T-shirts, underwear, socks, and one set of pajamas."

Big Brother

The thing about secrets is that people are more prone to keeping them from you the nosier you are. When Cameron Bure discussed how she manages her kids' social media accounts, she said, "I monitor their pages and have full access to them. If there's inappropriate content or language after three warnings, or I discover they're keeping secrets from me, the account gets deleted."

Every parent snoops a bit, we get that. But Cameron Bure is going full Big Brother here. What kind of kids don't have secrets? Does Cameron Bure believe that she's seeing her kids' true selves online if they know she's upstairs checking in on them every day? Of course, they're keeping secrets from you, stalker mom.

Double Standard

Cameron Bure doesn't hide away from her traditional views, but we have to at least point them out. When she spoke about what's not allowed on her kids' social media accounts, she singled out her daughter, saying, "Natasha's photo rules include no puckered lips or posed bathing suit pictures. We live at the beach, which means this is a constant concern as so many of her friends post photos with one another in their bikinis, even though most of them are playful, not intentionally sexy."

Okay, the guard against sexy bathing suit photos is understandable because of all the creeps online, but puckered lips? Really mom? Are the boys allowed to share bathing suit photos? What about European bathing suits? After all, they are Russian.

Friend Of A Friend

Ugh. We can just see these kids rolling their eyes at the friend requests from Cameron Bure. One of the ways Cameron Bure protects her family is to become friends with her kids' friends online and then judge them and their content. Think we're joking? Here's what she said about the matter:

"I'm also an online 'friend' with as many of my kids' friends as will accept me. This helps me form a better opinion of the people my kids want to hang out with and what those kids are like outside of parental supervision. This is one of those areas where balance is guided by boundaries, which is all informed by knowledge. We have to understand the temptations as well as what our kids' friends are like in order to set appropriate boundaries and balance."

Excuses Are For Losers

According to Cameron Bure and her daughter, Natasha, their family motto is "excuses are for losers." While that may sound harsh, the former Full House actress suggests it's not that bad. She says it mainly comes from her husband, Valerie Bure, who is a former NHLer and brother to the great Pavel Bure.

Now, this motto or some variation of it may have come down from Val's Russian family, who were filthy rich noble watchmakers. But not everybody is interested in competition. Life is not divided into winners and losers. Hopefully, Cameron Bure's kids don't grow up ridiculing people that they beat in competition because they grew up hating losers.

No Secrets

As we discussed a little bit above, one of the big parenting tips that Cameron Bure gives is to make sure that there are no secrets between parents and kids. Well, one surefire way to make sure your kids keep secrets is to beat them when they tell the truth. Regardless, Cameron Bure isn't really one to talk. She prides herself on raising open and honest kids who were incapable of hiding anything from her watchful eyes, but she revealed on Rachael Ray that she didn't know about her daughter's first kiss or many other "boy" details. It seems to us like Natasha was afraid of telling mom because she would get the rod of correction.

Sunday Morning Sports

When asked about her biggest parenting issue, Cameron Bure went on a small rant about Sunday morning sports functions. She said, "My longest running frustration as a parent is organized sports on Sunday mornings. I wish there were laws in place to respect church time and not start sports practices or games until noon."

So, let us get this straight. Because you are busy Sunday morning, you want the lawmakers in this country to block off a time where nothing else can get done? What about us? We watch TV between 10am and 1pm on weekdays. Can we make a law that ensures The View doesn't air during those hours?

With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility

Cameron Bure has said, "I’ve taught my kids that there is a great responsibility that comes with social media. The world is watching, and you can’t take anything back once it’s posted so be wise!" This is actually really great advice—advice that mom should take herself.

This is the woman who once supported a bakery for the prejudice views and not making a cake for a lesbian wedding. Cameron Bure said, "I don't think this is discrimination at all. This is about freedom of association, it's about constitutional rights, it's about First Amendment rights. We do have the right to still choose who we associate with." That was said on TV. It can't be taken back. So, when she tries to disassociate herself from homophobic stances, expect it to be difficult.

Potential Suitors

One of the fears that Cameron Bure has as a parent is that her kids will be lured into the dreaded "hookup culture." She said that this "is a great concern. Obviously, it’s something we talk a lot about as well." Boy, do we wish we were a fly on the wall during those discussions. It seems to us that Cameron Bure has done more than enough to protect her kids from this so-called hookup culture.

First of all, Natasha was never able to post selfies online, she wore the same stinky outfit to school after mom took all her clothes, and she won't be flirting with boys online while mom is sitting over her shoulder watching. The girl is safe. The fact that Cameron Bure tried to be Facebook friends with all Natasha's friends probably scared off any potential suitors anyway.

Locked Doors

Even though we just said that Cameron Bure's kids will be safe, we have to mention a story she told. She said that one of her kids walked in on her and her husband during their special time. She described how "he had locked our door and my kids know the rules about walking into our bedroom with a closed door when we are in there together. You must always knock. You may not open it until you hear an answer. If there’s no answer, you may not come in, even if it’s unlocked. You must be patient and wait until we come out." Now, it sounds like mommy and daddy lock the door a lot. Talk about creating a hookup culture.

Either way, Cameron Bure went on to say how her kid asked her forgiveness afterward. But remember when we talked about using the Bible to raise kids and how Cameron Bure uses it? Well, Noah cursed his grandson. Guess why? Because his son walked in on Noah while he was in the buff, rather than curse the boy, Noah cursed the boy's future child. Looks like Cameron Bure's future grandchild is in trouble if she's truly following the Bible.

Hating On Twitter

Now, part of Cameron Bure's advice for other mothers is to keep a watchful eye over their kids' social media habits. Not bad advice at all. But what does this mom have against Twitter? She said, "I limit the amount of profiles they have on social networking sites, and Twitter isn't an option. That's not because it's bad, but because I don't see the point for a child." Now, we don't necessarily disagree with her on this, but simply because she doesn't see the point of Twitter, she outright bans it. How does it differ from the other social media platforms? Step your Twitter game up, mom. You're doing it all wrong. Besides, teaching kids to hate things they don't understand is not smart.

Choose Your Words Wisely

This actually isn’t a piece of parental advice that Cameron Bure has given, but perhaps she should take it and then give it. Choose your words wisely. While on The View, Cameron Bure spoke about Twitter, the scary social media site she doesn't allow her kids to use. She said of using Twitter, "I've never been more verbally abused in my life than on Twitter, and specifically in the last few months, having come on this show." She then said that they "verbally abuse me and r*** me." No, they don’t. Don't try to compare an online troll to an actual victim.

Live According To The Bible

Even though Cameron Bure has been careful about what she says in public, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to draw out her beliefs. After criticizing Hillary Clinton "living" like a Christian because of "some of her positions" on The View, users were left to guess at what positions she meant.

For the guest, Michael Moore, it was easy. This was in regard to Clinton's stance on choice, something he implied that Cameron Bure doesn't accept. He said what might be good advice for the host's children, “What I would say to the people who are against abortion is, if you are against it, don’t have one. If you are against gay marriage, don’t get gay married. You won’t like it. It’s not for you. But live and let live.”

Following The Bible

Parents from all over have been following the bible for many years, so it must work a little bit. Still, when Cameron Bure says that she uses the bible to raise her kids, we have to question some of the tips from the good book. This thing is full of awful parents. Lot left his two virgin daughters to the villagers to do what they liked to, Caleb offered his daughter as a prize, Jepthah killed his daughter because she greeted him first after battle, and Noah cursed his grandson after he passed out drunk and in the buff. Maybe it would be smarter to take some of the parenting tips from the bible with a grain of salt or two (or three).

Back To Spanking

We have to go back to the spanking issue because this is something that Cameron Bure gets attached to quite a bit. When she was asked about the dangers of spanking on the development of a child, Cameron Bure said, "I also read an interesting article that Dr. James Dobson wrote for Focus on the Family titled To Spank or Not to Spank. In it, he writes, 'Contrary to what you have read in popular literature, this firm but loving approach to child rearing will not harm a toddler or make him violent. To the contrary, it is most likely to produce a healthy, confident child.'"

But wait a second. Isn't Dobson the man who asked for Ted Bundy to be forgiven? Isn't this the guy who believed h*mosexuality was "caused" when a child "remains bonded to his mother" if "his dad is gone or abusive or disinterested?" Isn't this the guy who said, "Tolerance and its first cousin, diversity, are almost always buzzwords for h*mosexual advocacy?" Are we actually supposed to use this guy's words to raise our children?

Sources: variety, daily mail; lifeway; parenting.com; parents.com