Polish oligarch Jan Kulczyk has an estimated net worth of $4.2 billion as of May 2015 according to Forbes. This Polish entrepreneur is known to be the founder and owner of Kulczyk Investments and Kulczyk Holding. Kulczyk Investments is currently based in Luxembourg and operates on its offices in Kiev, Dubai and London. Kulczyk Investments holds 40% of Neconde Energy Limited.

With his 2.6 billion euro net worth before, Jan Kulczyk has been one of the richest businessmen in Poland. Currently, he has investments in four of the major industries in Poland which include mineral resources, real estate, energy and infrastructure.


In June 2010, Kulczyk Silverstein Properties was formed as a result of the collaboration with Silverstein Properties Inc. which works on the revitalization of the World Trade Center.

Jan Kulczyk co-founded Polish Business Roundtable in 1992. In 1995, he was reported to be involved with Green Cross International and two years later, he became the Chairman of the Board after succeeding the previous USSR President.

Jan Kulczyk was born on June 24, 1950 in Bydgoszcz, Poland. He attended Adam Mickiewicz University where he finished his law degree. He also studied at the University of Economics where he finished his foreign trade degree. He also earned his Ph.D. in international law.