Known as “The Wizard of Wall Street,” former hedge fund manager Julian Robertson has an estimated net worth of $3.4 billion as of May 2015 according to Forbes. He is #503 in the World Billionaires List (#491 in 2012), #168 in the United States, and #170 in Forbes 400 List. Born Julian H. Robertson Jr. on June 25, 1932 in North Carolina, he is a graduate of Episcopal High School (1951) and University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (1955). After graduation, he served as an officer in the U.S. Navy until 1957.


When he left the Navy, Robertson moved to New York City and worked as a stockbroker for Kidder, Peabody & Co. where he became the head of the asset management division of the firm. In 1980, he founded Tiger Management which reached its peak of $22 billion in assets in 1998. However, he closed the legendary hedge fund in 2000.

Julian Robertson continued to get involved in the hedge fund business by supporting and financing interested hedge fund managers which led to the firm, Tiger Cubs. Some of the members included former Time Management employees Chris Shumway, John Griffin, Chase Coleman, Lee Ainslie and Ole Andreas Halvorsen. Its Tiger Accelerator Fund, with $850 million in assets, is a fund of funds that is open to outside investors. It exclusively invests in a group of six Tiger-seeded hedge funds. He also owns the Robertson Foundation which has nearly $850 million in assets that focuses on education, environment, medical research, and religion and spirituality.