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Gurchait and Gurnaik Chima have an approximate net worth of $80 million. Their wealth is mainly due to their fashion business. They are currently residing in the United States which gives them a perfect outlet for their fashion ventures.

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Gurnaik was born in 1958. His career started when he was trusted to be a director at Ladylike Limited which he obtained in 1991. He began this position when he was 33 years old, and continued to search for better opportunities while working for the company. Eventually, he came across the position of clothing retailer at Hilton Fashions Limited where he got the job. This position was given to him due to his long experience and knowledge of the fashion industry.

Gurchait was born in 1950. His first position was at Ladylike Limited, like Gurnaik. His next career took him to Bmhl Realisations Limited. At this company, he got the job as clothing retailer like Gurnaik had at Ladylike Limited. This company has been a part of the fashion industry since 1995.

Earnings & Financial Data






Earning Turned Donation

Money raised from the British Asian Trust ‘North’ Ball for South Asia




Money earned by Gurchait and Gurnaik Chima from the sale of their Bon Marche women’s fashion chain to Peacock



Sale of Asset

Sale of Gurchait and Gurnaik Chima's Bon Marche women’s fashion chain to Peacock
