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Robert Zemeckis is an American movie director, screenwriter, and producer with an estimated net worth of $60 million. He gained most of his wealth by shooting big-budget box-office spectacles like Back to the Future, Forrest Gump, and Cast Away.

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He started his career as a writer for small TV shows, but he later gained better reputation and eventually tried himself in the movie industry with Back to the Future series which was an absolute critical and financial success. After that, Robert Zemeckis made Who Framed Roger Rabbit, and eventually in 1994, his most successful movie, Forrest Gump, for which he won an Oscar for Best Director.

His movies are often characterized by beautiful special effects and great storytelling. Till this day, Robert Zemeckis is one of the highest-grossing movie directors of all time, and he is just adding to his wealth every year by producing and directing highly successful blockbuster movies.


Earnings & Financial Data







Salary from the movie Forrest Gump as the film's director




Salary from the Back to the Future movie franchise as the films' director
