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Davey Havok net worth stands at $20 million. He is an American rock star who has earned his entire net worth as a lead vocalist of the famous American rock band AFI, together with Blaqk Audio, an electronic music band. He advocates for the straight edge way of living and lifestyle.

Image result for Davey Havok concert

Davey Havok was born on November 20th in 1975 in Rochester New York. He is of Italian ancestry and was born as David Paden Passaro. His father died when he was at a tender age of three years and later on his mother remarried. He took the surname Marchand from the stepfather. The family later moved from Rochester to Ukiah in California.

Davey and a few of his high school friends Vic Chalker and Mark Stopholes decided to start a band while they were studying they began a band without any instruments. Fortunately one of their friends Adam Carson owned a drum and they invited him into the band as a drummer. That is how Davey Havok began and climbed into the music industry.

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Record Sales

Record sales of the album Big Shiny Tunes 11 with various artists (approximately 100 thousand copies sold)



Record Sales

Record sales of the album Decemberunderground with the American rock band AFI (approximately 1,135,000 copies sold)



Record Sales

Record sales of the album Big Shiny Tunes 8 with various artists (approximately 200 thousand copies sold)



Record Sales

Record sales of the album Sing the Sorrow with the American rock band AFI (approximately 1,115,000 copies sold)



Record Sales

Record sales of the album Americana with the American punk rock band the Offspring (approximately 10 million copies sold)



Record Sales

Record sales of the album Ixnay on the Hombre with the American punk rock band the Offspring (approximately 3.2 million copies sold)
