Jim Gaffigan net worth is estimated to be $6 million. Most of his wealth has mainly been from his profession as a stand-up comedian, an actor, screen writer, television producer, film producer and voice actor. Gaffigan has also earned a good part of his net worth from his skits and routines relating to being lazy and eating food. Some of his popular routines regard cake, hot pockets and bacon.

Some of his acting roles included movies such as Super Troopers, Three Kings and TV series such as Law and Order: Criminal Intent and That 70s Show. His comedy routines usually include humor and high pitched asides.

Gaffigan was born in 1966 in Chesterton, Indiana and he often makes jokes about growing up in a large family. He joined La Lumiere school which is situated in Indiana. He is the youngest in a family of 6 children. Gaffigan attended one year in Purdue University and Graduate from Georgetown university’s McDonough School of business in the year 1988. He is currently 47 years old.