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Dan Aykroyd has an estimated net worth of $135 million. Dan Aykroyd was born in Canada. Dan has always been famous for his multiple skillsets. He has been a successful award-winning actor, musician, comedian, writer and even an entrepreneur. Although Dan Aykroyd has been famous for many roles and performances, he has been most popular for his work on Saturday Night Live.


Dan Aykroyd has also been famous for his roles in movies like Ghostbusters, The Blues Brothers and My Girl. As an entrepreneur, Dan has established many businesses, including Vodkas. His new Vodka has been quite popular among his fans. Dan has always been a known name in the Vodka industry.

In fact, most of the people believe that his net worth has been a result of his Vodka business, and movies only played a little role in it. Whatever may be the reason, Dan has been able to receive much appreciation for his work in Hollywood.

Earnings & Financial Data







Value of his Pacific Palisades House




Weekly salary from Saturday Night Live
