Christopher Boykin net worth currently stands at $1 million. He is a body guard where he usually works with television personalities and other renowned people. His work is enhanced by his body size where he has even been nicknamed "big black". Originally he was born in Wiggins, Mississippi and later proceeded to join the US Navy. His time at the navy exposed him to the necessary combat skills which he combined with his big body size to get the necessary qualifications to become a professional body guard.

Christopher Boykin was able to make the money he currently have because he mainly concentrated on high end personalities who would afford to pay higher salaries. This is unlike ordinary body guards who usually do not get much from their work. The intimidating size of Christopher also gave him an advantage since the people who he was protecting would seem well protected. Furthermore, the fact that he always appeared on TV with the people he protected also increased his popularity with more and more people recognizing his face and hence more television personalities requesting for his services.