American evangelical Christian minister and author, Rick Warren, has an estimated net worth of $14 million. Rick Warren earned his net worth through his ministry and many books he has written on Chrisitanity. He was born in San Jose, California and began preaching when he was 19.

The Megachurch pastor appeared on many lists of top evangelical Christian leaders in the early 21st century, aided by the popularity of his books, The Purpose Driven Church (1995) and the best-selling The Purpose Driven Life (2002). His books, studied across denominational lines, encouraged people and churches to discern and be motivated by God's purpose for them, as opposed to guilt, anger, fear, materialism, tradition, finances, programs, buildings, and so forth. By 2005, he was publicly urging evangelicals to get involved in solving world problems, including poverty and AIDS. Obama sparked controversy when he asked Warren to give the invocation at the presidential inauguration in January 2009.