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American actress,Tori Spelling has an estimated net worth of $10 million. A scion of one of the most powerful television families in Hollywood and a repeatedly maligned starlet, Tori Spelling spent years in television purgatory before finally getting respect for her acting in films such as The House of Yes and Trick. Weathering assorted rumors and attacks on her acting and appearance, Spelling has proven that, while nepotism may provide a convenient entrance into Hollywood, endurance and a sense of humor are necessities for long-term survival.

She was born Victoria Davey Spelling. Tori made her Hollywood debut in 1989 when she was offered a role in Troop Beverly Hills and TV sitcom titled Saved by the Bell. In 1990, she became a part of Donna on Beverly Hills 90210 which made her more popular. With her fame, there came speculations that she was hired because her father was the show’s producer, which his father strongly denied. Subsequently, the rumors have circulated for the next years. By 1997, there has been a significant improvement in Spelling’s acting career. The decline of 90210 commenced her acting career in films. She played a role in Scream 2, The House of Yes and Trick in 1999. Since May 7, 2006, Tori Spelling is married to McDermott, an American actor, and they have three children.

Earnings & Financial Data







Earnings from her father's estate




Salary from A Friend to Die For
