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Thomas William "Tom" Selleck has an estimated net worth of $25 million. Born in Detroit, his family moved to California during his childhood. He graduated from Grant High School. Selleck is a well known actor and producer. His most memorable role is that of a private detective in Magnum PI. Since, his initial success, he has appeared in more than 50 film and TV roles. He also co-starred in a top 1987 movie.


Tom Selleck is also well known for his role of Dr.Burke in Friends TV show. He appeared in a number of episodes of Friends as the boyfriend of Monica, played by Courteney Cox. His popular movies are Mr. Baseball, Down Under, Lassiter and Three Men and a Baby. He has also appeared in the Jesse Stone series which is based on Robert Parker's novels. He has also appeared in Blue Bloods, an American police drama. Known for his strong screen presence and charisma, Tom Selleck has won many awards including the 1985, Golden Globe awards for the best performance.

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Bonus given by Universal Studios for the 8th and final season of Magnum P.I.
