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Let's face it: if you're drunk, you're going to text. Sure, you've been doing it forever, so what harm can come from it? You might think that, by now, you're a pro at it. That's right, you're a texting God, totally infallible, and nothing you can write on that little screen can ever be wrong. But add alcohol in the mix and things start to get a little fuzzy.

It's okay. We've all been there. But here are 20 rules to drunk texting that might save you more than a hangover headache.

1. 'Their’, they’re’, and ‘there’ STILL have different meanings, even when you're drunk.

2. Yes, it really does sound like you’re yelling when you use ALL CAPS.

3. If the person you’re texting is drunk too, it's likely you can share and thus halve the embarrassment.


4. Try to remember who you're texting, even if you can't remember your own name.

5. If you text your ex, make it seem like you're doing something really cool. They don't need to know you're drinking alone in your bedroom.

6. Or just, don't text your ex.

7.  You might not be as hilarious as you think...


8. ... Sending pictures of cats is always a safe bet, though.

9. After 10pm, avoid sending selfies.

10. Turn off autocorrect when your vision starts getting blurry.





11. You WILL regret it. If you can accept that fact, then text away.

12. 'Sup' is not an intriguing opener.

13. If you suddenly notice your real-life conversant has disappeared, you may be texting too much.

14. Keep it short and sweet. If it requires 20 messages, just drunk dial (this has the advantage of leaving no evidence).

If you're going to write a 20-text essay on why you just got dumped, use that little something that made phones so popular in the first place: the ability to actually call and talk out loud.

15. The golden rule? Don't read your texts from the night before. Punishing yourself will only make the hangover worse.