
Matt Bromagin

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15 Of The Priciest Lego Sets On The Market Right Now

Lego has come a long way since its roots. The story of Lego goes all the way back to 1932. Originally, Lego was a Denmark company that did actual carpentry work. After a streak of really bad luck that

15 Of The Richest Former Nickelodeon Stars

There's no denying the fact that a stint on a Nickelodeon or Disney show generally leads to bigger and better things for young upstarts in entertainment. A young star starting out on a show on either

10 Musicians That Made Career Ruining Mistakes

Being in the spotlight is no easy task. Many popular musicians are constantly under the public eye and it becomes incredibly difficult to keep their private lives private. The entire world is watching

10 Former Billionaires Who Lost Their Riches

Making a billion dollars is no easy task. In a world with a population of over 7 billion, only 1,645 individuals can boast billionaire status as of Forbes last list of the world's richest men and wome

15 Celebrities With Strange "Addictions"

We all have vices and addictions. Some of these vices can be incredibly bad for us, to the point where they can ruin our lives and sometimes the lives of those we care about. When some people fall vic

10 Of The Biggest Online Scams Of All Time

Once upon a time, when you wanted to rob a bank, you put on a nice suit, a fedora, loaded up your favorite Tommy Gun, and walked right in to the establishment. Not only were these old-timey bank robbe

10 Of The Most Bad-Ass Movie Weapons Of All Time

One thing you're sure to find in any action, science fiction, fantasy, or superhero film is an all-powerful (or, at least, "pretty bad-ass") weapon. Sometimes it's just a trusty sidearm carried by the

10 Self-Made Teenage Millionaires

The idea of a teenage millionaire isn't all too rare when you think of all the young people in the entertainment industry. If a kid has the indescribable "it factor" they can easily be making millions

10 Of The Worst Fake Accents Attempted By Actors

Sometimes you watch a film and everything seems to be solid. The story is great, the pacing is great, the shots are beautiful, the action is intense, but something just doesn't seem right. Try as you

The 10 Most Expensive Sports Teams To Watch In Person

Going to a professional sports game these days is no cheap day out at the ballpark. While face value of tickets may not always seem like too high of a cost, you then have to take into consideration al

10 Of The Most Overpaid A-List Actors And Actresses

Declaring whether or not an actor or actress is overpaid is generally subjective. If you aren't a fan of science fiction films or his antics in the gossip columns, you might state that Tom Cruise is a

Where Do Billionaires Vacation?

Barring the inside of a volcano, there aren't many places on the face of the Earth that are unavailable to the billionaires of the world, and even that's just a matter of investing into the research a

10 Of The Most Deadly Pedestrian Bridges In The World

If you aren't a traveler and you're reading an article over the internet, odds are you haven't been to the more treacherous parts of the world. The fact is, the modern world isn't the norm on this pla

10 Expensive Movies That Blew Their Budget

When making huge, blockbuster films and dealing with millions of dollars, it must become increasingly difficult to budget. When you're spending a $100,000 here and $100,000 there, it could become unde

10 Celebs That Were Discovered By Accident

Most celebrities have had to work for everything they have. You always hear the stories about how many times an actor may have been turned down before they finally landed that first coveted role. For

10 Films Where Everyone Dies

In film, a studio generally doesn't want to make a film that ends entirely on a down note. It is because of this that only a small number of films are made where the antagonist wins, and an even small

10 Celebrities That Fell Off The Radar

The "where are they now?" question is all too common in Hollywood. Generally, it's a question reserved for child stars, stars of television sit-coms, or C-list supporting film actors that would almost

10 Celebs That Also Work Normal Jobs

Most people would never understand why a celebrity might make the decision to leave the industry. There is a common misconception that being a star is very easy work that yields a very nice paycheck,

10 Of The Most Unique McDonald's Locations Around The World

It's no secret that McDonald's has long desired to be a global franchise. This is a goal they've achieved decades ago and still strive towards to this day. Many countries have adopted some aspects of

10 Television Characters That Never Show Their Face

The "unseen character" is a device that has been used in many television programs. It's usually reserved for the wife or mother of a peripheral character, but has been used a number of times in many w

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