American businessman Leslie Lampton has an estimated net worth of $1 billion in 2015. Most of Lampton's net worth is derived from Ergon Inc, a privately held company that specializes on refining and distributing petroleum products.


This diversified group specializes in manufacturing and distributing products ranging from road maintenance equipment to computer systems and boards. In addition to Vicksburg Refinery which is found in Vicksburg Mississippi, Leslie Lampton also owns around 500 wells in East Texas and Louisiana. Some of the well-known companies associated with Ergon include Diversified Technology, Inc., Crafco, Inc., Tricor Refining, LLC, Lion Oil and Lampton-Love, Inc.

Crafco, Inc. is involved in pavement maintenance and repair while Lampton Love Inc specializes in distributing liquid petroleum gas across the United States. On the other hand, Diversified Technology, Inc. focuses on computer systems. As of 2003, Ergon Inc hires around 2500 employees.