American businessman James "Jim" Irsay has an estimated net worth of $2.2 billion as of May 2016 according to Forbes. In addition to being the owner, James Irsay serves as the CEO of National Football League's Indianapolis Colts.


Of Hungarian, Jewish and Polish ancestry, Irsay was born on June 13, 1959 in Lincolnwood, Illinois. He is a graduate of Southern Methodist University with a degree in Broadcast Journalism in 1982. Since 1980, James Irsay has been married to Meg Coyle. They have three children named Kalen, Casey and Carlie.

At age 12, his father acquired the Baltimore Colts. Right after graduation, he joined the Baltimore Colts and two years later, he became the General Manager and Vice President. In 1995, his father had a stroke attack which led Jim to take over and assume the role as the company's General Manager, CEO and Senior Executive Vice President. Upon the death of his father in 1997, Jim had to endure a legal battle against his stepmother with regards to the ownership of the Baltimore Colts. Eventually, he became the youngest owner of an NFL franchise at age 37.