Kimsha Artest is the self-described “partner” of Ron Artest, the Los Angeles forward. She has an estimated net worth of $6 million. She was born Kimsha Hatfield in Queens, New York and has roots in Jamaica. She and Ron have been together for 17 years. They were married in June 2003 but got divorced in June 2009.


Kimsha was never a fan of the Los Angeles lifestyle; wearing the right dress and jewelry, and being part of the “It” crowd. She refused to resign herself to the LA “party” lifestyle while also shying away from the bling. She was a cast member during the first season of the reality TV show Basketball Wives: LA. The show began airing in the summer of 2011 on VH1. She was invited to be part of the fulltime cast of the show but she refused the offer for the reason that she did not like the other women of the show. Also, she was not interested to be part of the drama that went on between the members of the group. The show was quite popular and was renewed for the second season. Yet, only one case member made a return on season two. It was not clear whether she will continue to have a recurring role on the show.