Jarrett Joyce is one of the new shippers in the “uShipping” community who has an estimated net worth of $100 thousand. He has earned his net worth by bidding on contracts to ship unusual items to and from the various parts of the country. His unique shipments included a box of 40 kittens, a hot dog stand, someone’s ashes and most recently, a Civil War cannon.

AETN: Shipping Wars

Joyce is also an aspiring PGA golfer. He sees uShip as a perfect vehicle to reach his dream of one day playing on the PGA Tour. He plans his shipments and routes based on the maps of the PGA-qualifying events. When he is not shipping, he is working on his game.

The adventures Jarrett and his fellow shippers/competitors are documented in Shipping Wars, a reality TV series on A&E that started airing on January 10, 2012. The show follows several independent shippers such as Jarrett while they bid on those unusual shipping contracts.