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Chris Webby net worth is estimated to be standing at $1 million. Webby began accumulating most of his wealth in the year 2009 when he released a series of mix tapes online. Since then, most of his net worth has been from music.

His full name is Christian Webster and he was born in Fairfield county, Connecticut, U.S. He is currently 24 years old. His venture into music was stimulated by the rap idol Dr. Dre and Eminem. Soon after, he was recording and writing original materials under the name Vindictive and within one year, he released a complete six length mix tapes which were then available free of charge at datpiff.com. Due to his free release and the effect of social media, Webber gained an overnight popularity

Webber has a strong fan base at Hofstra University where he studied and he now performs across the entire U.S

Earnings & Financial Data






Record Sales

Estimated earnings from his album Chemically Imbalanced
