Michael Cera is a Canadian actor with a net worth of $20 million. Cera was born in 1988 in Ontario, Canada. Cera knew from an early age that he wanted to be an actor and left high school after the ninth grade to pursue his dream. Cera received his first break when he was given an unpaid role in a Tim Horton's commercial. Eventually, Cera was spotted by a talent scout for Pillsbury who gave him his first speaking role where he poked the Pillsbury Doughboy. Cera's television acting career began on the Canadian show I Was a Sixth Grade Alien.


After his success on this show, Cera won the role to play George Michael Bluth in the popular and award winning TV show Arrested Development. Cera's role on Arrested Development led to more opportunities in Hollywood when he starred in the hit comedy Superbad. Following Superbad, Cera has appeared in numerous films including Juno, Scott Pilgrim vs. the World and Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist.