Jim Bellino is best known for being the husband of Alexis Bellino from the popular TV show “The Real Housewives of The Orange Country”. Jim’s estimated net worth stands at $500 Thousand.

In the year 2000, Jim Bellino was known to get involved in a fraudulent business activity related to sports memorabilia. His business was known as "The J. DiMaggio Company". The company caught attention of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) for selling sports memorabilia with forged autographs pretentiously. One such example was when a baseball was sold with a false signature of “Mother Theresa”. Bellino paid an amount of $30,000 as fine, instead of getting jailed. He also got a warning from the Federal Bureau of Investigation to stop this sports business. He was being accused by many of his detractors as a professional scammer.

His business suffered in later years partly because of the many exposes brought out. He suffered financially as a result. Due to his present economic crisis, Jim is ready to sell his luxurious house which was shown in “The Real Housewives of The Orange Country”. This is the same house that wowed a lot of the viewers.

He got married to Alexis Bellino, who once specified in her show “The Real Housewives of The Orange Country” that her husband, Jim Bellino considers himself to be her savior and king. The couple has three kids – James, Mackenna and Melania.