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Tao Ruspoli has a net worth of $9 million. He is an Italian aristocrat, film director, and producer. Ruspoli was born in Bangkok, Thailand. He did his graduation in philosophy from the University of California, Berkeley. He traveled extensively in Rome in Italy and California and Los Angeles in the United States.

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He established the Los Angeles Filmmakers Collective (LAFCO) in 2000. The filmmakers and musicians of LAFCO organize and collaborate on various projects on films in Los Angeles. Tao Ruspoli also produced a number of documentaries and short films through LAFCO. Some of the award-winning titles are El Cable, Fix, Flamenco: A Personal Journey, Just Say Know and This Film Needs No Title: A Portrait of Raymond Smullyan. He appeared in the film Camjackers. Interestingly he also produced and edited this feature film.

Apart from being a celebrated filmmaker, he is an accomplished flamenco guitarist and a photographer by choice.

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Sale of Asset

Selling price of Tao Ruspoli's 74 artworks
