Harald Zwart net worth is $4 million. Most of his wealth is mainly from his position as a director and producer of short films, TV commercials and Music videos. He was born in the Netherlands on July 1, 1965 and was raised in Fredrikstad, Norway. Harald began making short films as early as at the age of 8.

Harald Zwart attended the Dutch film academy where he earned great acclaim due to his film Gabriel’s Surprise which was later aired on television. In addition to other award winning music videos, short films and commercials, Harald directed the films One Night at McCool’s, Agent Cody Banks and Flate Ballaer 2. He is also the producer and co-director of the 1st Long Flat Balls which is a Norwegian film about football fans in Fredristad, Norway and he is attached as a co-director to several Sony pictures animations.

Herald is currently 48 years and married to Veslemoy Rudd Zwart. He is currently working as a Norwegian film director.