Andy Samuel Griffith has an estimated net worth of $45 million. He was born in 1949 in Mount Airy, North Carolina. Griffith was an actor, a gospel singer, a writer as well as a television producer.

Obit Andy Griffith

He attended Mount Airy High School where he gained and nurtured his interests in arts and particularly took part in school's drama program. After high school, he joined college where he was to study preaching but quit and majored in music. He graduated in 1949 with a Bachelor of music from University of North Carolina.


He began his career as a monologist and also starred in teleplays. Griffith's first film performance was in A face in the crowd in 1957. He performed in the Andy Griffith show between 1960-1968 for the CBS television network as a sheriff. In 1972, he created his own production company. He received nomination for Emmy in 1981 for his work in Murder in Texas television television series.