
Rocco Bambace

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10 Things You Didn't Know About Sleep Paralysis

Have you ever woken up from a deep sleep fully conscious but unable to move a muscle, with a great pressure on your chest and a feeling that something or someone truly abnormal is in your bedroom? Tha

10 Things You Didn't Know About The Mayans

Just like the ancient Greeks and Egyptians, the Mayans are a massive part of human history and the history of the planet as a whole. As with other ancient civilizations with such a vast empire, their

10 Things You Didn't Know About The Male Member

There are several mysteries in the world that we can’t quite wrap our minds around. Who assembled those giant rocks to make Stonehenge? Why do ships keep disappearing around the Bermuda Triangle? How

10 Human Body Parts That Have Absolutely No Use

The human body is a miracle. It’s made up of 100 trillion cells, each with its own highly specialized job, each working around the clock to make sure you keep doing your thing. And they do all of this

The 13 Most Powerful Video Game Characters Of All Time

We all love a good video game. They’re like movies, only better, because we direct them ourselves. When they’re made well, they allow players to exit their surroundings and appear inside the game they

10 Hidden Easter Eggs In Popular Nintendo Games

Everyone loves a good Easter egg. We’re referring to gaming by the way, not the chocolatey delights you overdose on every March. Although those are pretty good, too. Life-affirmingly good, actually. C