
Joshua Chapman

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The 10 Most Popular HBO Shows Ever

Begun in 1972, HBO (or Home Box Office) has done more to change television in the last 15 years or so than any other influence. Home to wildly popular shows like Game of Thrones, the Sopranos, and Sex

The 10 Deadliest Militaries Of The Last 20 Years

Kill counts are surprisingly an amazingly difficult thing to come up with. In the past, this was true as well, but that was often because of a perceived lack of technology or historical accounts. Now

The 10 Most Brutal Genocides In History

Considered one of the most horrific atrocities that could be committed, genocide is an act of systematically trying to eliminate a cultural, religious, or ethnic population. The study of genocide has

The World's 10 Most Deadly Diseases

How does one decide on whether a disease is truly deadly, or even the deadliest of all diseases? Is it by sheer numbers killed? Or by the odds of being infected? How about the likelihood of survival?

The 20 Best Animated Films Of The Last 20 Years

Next month marks the 20th anniversary of the Lion King, one of the greatest animated movies of all time. It went on to win two Academy Awards, a Grammy Award, and it spawned a successful Broadway play